Saturday, January 6, 2007

Nick: First Day, Nap & Night

It seems like Johnny and I both had pretty bad experiences with our first early evening nap. I stuck to my planned schedule and took my nap from 6:30 to 8:00pm tonight. I found myself laying on the couch drifting in and out of consciousness, but never fully falling asleep and entering the one sleep cycle that is the ultimate goal of this nap. Although I "woke up" very groggy after this 90 minute rest, it definitely did give me a bit of energy to keep me up through my night's activities.

Only 15 minutes left until the larger chunk of sleep for my night and I'm not even feeling too tired. Definitely exhausted and ready for the nap, but not too tired. So I'll be waking up at 6 and then spending my entire day tomorrow doing manual labor... we'll see how that works out! I'm expecting tomorrow and Sunday (the second and third days) to be the worst in this adaptation phase--when the lack of sleep starts catching up to me before my body is able to adapt to the new schedule. We'll see...

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