Sunday, January 7, 2007

John: Third Day, Morning

Last night I didn't get tired until around 2:30, which felt really good. I was even watching a movie in the dark (Babel, which I haven't finished yet, good so far) and I wasn't tempted to sleep until probably 15 til 3. I got into bed (on the floor, actually) with ten minutes to fall asleep and probably used 5 of it. My alarm was set for six but I woke up at 8, because someone woke me up. I don't remember turning off my alarm, so two things could have happened: I slept through it (maybe it stops buzzing at some point), or I semi-consciously turned it off. Eitherway, I need to work on a better alarm system. Once I was awake this morning I was very alert right away, that's new.

I think my body has started changing. My sleep is more on/off now that it ever was, instead of fading in and out.

1 comment:

Team Butternut said...

I watched Babel last night too. I had a couple problems with it, but i thought it was pretty good. Cool that you guys seem to be getting used to the new sleep pattern.